The concept for the Mumbai Study Tour has been developed by Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Nuccio in the context of his research on regional and urban artistic production and development. The tour to this amazingly interesting city will be a closing event for the students who participated in a project seminar, which is offered in the Master's program Culture, Arts and Media at the Leuphana University Lüneburg by Prof. Nuccio and Dr. Sacha Kagan.
What will we do in Mumbai?
The Study Tour will be accompanied by six researchers who are specialized in different art fields and cope with different aspects of cultural and artistic production. During our journey, we want to analyse the nature and the impact of the artistic production on the socio-cultural development of the city and discuss topics such as sustainability or cultural policies.
Why this Blog?
This blog will be filled with our ideas and plans for Mumbai. We want to keep you updated and publish our results and ideas on these topics, in advance. All students, who will participate, can publish their writings and ideas here. Mumbai, here we go!
Time: October 2012.
Number of Students: 15-25
Institution: Leuphana University Lüneburg & Lüneburg Innovation Incubator
Researchers: Prof. Massimiliano Nuccio and Dr. Sacha Kagan
Leuphana Students, who are interested to join, can contact the project coordinator Jeanne Vogt.